The 9th International and Comparative Urban Law Conference
Thursday, May 18th through Saturday, May 20th, 2023
Accra, Ghana - Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA)

About The Conference
Since 2014, the ICULC has welcomed leading urban legal scholars from around the globe to present their research and works in progress. Now in its ninth iteration, the Conference continues to strengthen this tradition by providing a dynamic forum to share diverse international, comparative, and interdisciplinary perspectives on the rich intersection of cities and law.
Held in coordination with the Association of Urban Legal Scholars (AULS) and the launch of an African-focused regional affiliate of AULS, the ICULC will include opportunities to engage urban pedagogy across diverse perspectives, with an emphasis on emerging urban legal issues in Africa.
The Conference has long facilitated engagement across legal academic sub-specialties and across legal systems internationally to enrich our understanding of urban law and we look forward to welcoming you to Accra.
About The Urban Law Center at Fordham Law School​
Located in New York City, U.S.A., the Urban Law Center at Fordham Law School is committed to understanding and shaping the role of law and legal systems in contemporary urbanism, advancing the scholarship, pedagogy, and practice of urban law, and affecting the most pressing issues facing the world’s metropolitan areas. Law is central to almost every aspect of the life of 21st-century cities, influencing critical issues as diverse as the structure of local governance, the regulation of the built environment, sustainability, and social justice in the urban context. In turn, the complexity, density and diversity of urban life shape the law. A majority of the world’s population is living in urban environments for the first time in history. Through its innovative programs and initiatives, and in collaboration with interdisciplinary partners, the Urban Law Center aims to be a premier resource for exploring and elevating the role of law amidst the myriad conditions that face global urban commons. ​For more details, please visit https://www.urbanlawcenter.org.
Contact Information: Nestor Davidson, Faculty Director / urbanlaw@fordham.edu
The Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration is one of the key strategic institutions to develop the public administrative system, to provide civil servants with administrative and professional competence, and to plan and administer national, regional and local services. For more information please visit: https://www.gimpa.edu.gh/
About UN Habitat
The UN-Habitat’s vision of “a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world” is bold and ambitious. UN-Habitat works with partners to build inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities. UN-Habitat promotes urbanization as a positive transformative force for people and communities, reducing inequality, discrimination and poverty. For more information please visit: https://unhabitat.org/